Thursday, July 14, 2016

Wedding Bells are Ringin'!

Hey, everybody!  It's been too long since I've written a post!

You may remember my posts last year about how 
things were changing in big ways for my little one and me.
We packed up, moved back home, and started fresh!

It was just what the doctor ordered!
Life had gotten hard, and things had gotten rough.
I was at a low point, and needed friends and family near.

Being home has been the best thing ever.
We've had nights full of girl talk and laughter.
Good and bad tears have flowed, and our spirits are lifted.
After the cold of winter cleared and spring blossoms came up,
we began to feel more alive, with each new day.

I taught my first year at a private school in town,
and my sweet Karlee went to prek there.

And, in the midst of a broken heart being mended, 
a little girl's home being moved hours away, 
a new normal being forged....
love snuck in. 

Last fall, after moving home in July, getting into our new groove,
and the dust began to settle, I reached out to an old friend.

He is a wonderful, sweet, precious soul.
He's always been wonderful at listening and giving advice.
We dated for a short bit, back in college, and I always cherished his friendship.
He was always a sweet spirit.

I remember our first phone call.
It was in November.... He was expecting a, "Hey!  Hope life is good! 
Just wanted to say hi!" phone call.

Instead, I unloaded my circumstances over the phone.
I told him about my failed marriage, about the divorce, moving, and starting over.
I cried.  I told him everything I had been through, and how badly I hurt.
And, he just listened.

That's it.  He listened.
He would call to check on us.
He would make sure that we were doing well.
He was a long distance shoulder.
A friend.
A confidant.

New Year's Eve, he stopped by to say hi.
We've not been apart, since.

This sweet, sweet love is amazing.
In April, he asked me to marry him.
And, of course.... I said YES!

It may seem rushed, or unconventional.
Perhaps it is.
But, it is the best, most amazing thing I've ever been a part of.
He prays with me and for me... reads the Bible to me...
And, he loves me like I've never been loved.

This sweet amazing man will become my husband, July 22.
I cannot wait to live life with him.

He's my knight in shining armor, my heart mender, my love.
I'll forever be thankful that God gave him to me... 

Stay tuned for more posts with wedding pictures!
The ceremony is being held in our church,
but the reception is being held in a really cool, rustic venue 
that my parents have recently opened in town.

It is dreamy!

Have a happy weekend!  
See you soon....



  1. Heather, I'm so happy for you and your little girl! Out of the dark clouds shines a rainbow. Keep us updated.

  2. Heather, I am so happy for you! Those words don't see him enough. There is nothing better than to find ones soulmate. A man that will pray with you and for you and be there is truly one of the best gifts God can give you. Congratulations, dear friend. May your marriage be filled with love laughter prayer and joy.
    Theresa. ❤️

  3. My dear, dear Heather.....I love reading your Love Story. You know my personal heart's desires for you-you know.
    Praying for you a Wedding Day & Marriage of Many Many days that honor our Lord and shine as a witness for others around you for as long as He gives you together on this earth..."until death us do part"

  4. You are such a sweet soul and you wear your joy so beautifully. I can't wait to hear more about the wedding and life in general! So so happy for you all!

  5. Am I allowed two comments....oh well you have the power-you can delete me! One additional thought here- I personally am hoping to be able to read more posts am wondering if that might be ahead with your new life...any chance? It's totally selfish on my part :)


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